

Short Description: Alkali sacaton is tolerant of highly alkaline-saline soils and poorly drained areas, making it an excellent species for restoration, erosion control, and use as a vegetative barrier. It also provides cover for wildlife. Used for restoration of saline soils and as erosion control and vegetative barrier. Please call to place an order (210) 661-4191.

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Alkali sacaton a native warm season bunchgrass found on alkaline-saline soils and poorly drained or occasionally inundated soils. Plants are 1-3’ at maturity with wiry basal leaves and tall seedheads. This grass is an excellent species for restoration, erosion control, and use as a vegetative barrier on many sites. It also provides good cover for wildlife and produces seeds consumed by quail and turkeys. Extensive stands of this grass are found on saline rangelands along the mid- and lower-Gulf Coast as well as on saline clay soils found in South and West Texas.

Alkali sacaton is extremely small seeded and is best planted as part of a mix of other native grasses and forbs. It is typically slow to establish from seed.

For more information: Alkali sacaton from Plants of Texas Rangelands Virtual Herbarium


Plant in early spring (can be planted in the fall in areas with few cool-season weeds) at a rate of 1 lb. pure live seed (PLS) per acre at 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep.


Can tolerate highly saline or alkaline soils and poorly drained areas


3 - 8 feet


Warm Season Perennial


Rio Grande Plains, Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes, Rolling Plains