
Habiturf is a blend of buffalograss, blue grama, and curly mesquite. Each of these grasses is a native, warm season perennial that forms a turf. Mature height in the blend is less than 1' when not mowed. Habiturf is the premier native lawn blend for Texas. Best performance is in full sun on well-drained soils.
Common Bermuda
Bermudagrass is one of the most popular and widespread turf and forage grasses in the Southern United States. It is relatively drought and weed tolerant and can withstand much higher levels of foot and livestock traffic than other grasses.

Texoka Buffalograss

Texoka Buffalograss is a native, warm season perennial sod grass that rarely exceeds a foot in height. It's soft blue color, dense establishment, and hearty drought tolerance make it an ideal turf grass choice for mush of the state, including South Texas.
Maya Bermuda
Maya is highly recommended for use in southern lawns, parks, golf fairways, and anywhere a high-quality turf is desired.
It has great cold tolerance, drought tolerance, and traffic tolerance.